Seeing Through the Anger and Frustration

Violence is spilling into the streets. Do you have a comment on this?

The anger and frustration have been building up for some time. The police are angry and frustrated too, for they have had to work through the pandemic that is killing their families and other officers on the force. When the tensions get high a blood rage comes over them, and they want to do something to stop all the lawlessness and confusion. They get over excited, and they are not well trained nor supervised. So they use excessive force for the same reasons the protestors are involved in excessive destruction. It is an explosion of anger on both sides.

The citizens of the United States have been holding in their anger and frustration for a long time. This is true the world over. Why would there be such protests over a strictly American matter in other cities of the world? Everyone is feeling the anger and frustration of being bottled up, particularly those that are disadvantaged and bear the brunt of the governmental indifference and abuse. So non-violent protests are one way to release the anger and frustration. Violent protests bring out the news media however and bring the anger and frustration into every living room across the country.

“…the system of capitalistic democracy is tested, and it is failing those whom it is supposed to serve. As a result, all go down, the wealthy as well as the underprivileged, but the leadership focuses on protecting the property of the wealthy and not so much the rights of the population.”

So this is another test for the leadership structure, and the leadership response is woefully inadequate. On the national level it is the worst, for these are the so-called representatives who are the most removed from those they are supposed to represent. Their allegiance is not as much to the voters as it is to the donors that allow them to sway the voters. So again, the system of capitalistic democracy is tested, and again it is failing those whom it is supposed to serve. As a result, all go down, the wealthy as well as the underprivileged, but the leadership focuses on protecting the property of the wealthy and not so much the rights of the population.

The advent of the Internet and the cell phone and the cell phone video has created instantaneous pathways of communications, and so the public is no longer dependent on the nightly news for information. With cell phone cameras the most isolated of the residents are treated to live on-the scene-coverage of all disruption and reaction to disruption through the whole world. This is one of the elements that must be in place for simultaneous planetary change. Protesters in London protest police violence in the United States as it is occurring, not weeks afterwards. You see, you are becoming more and more of a one-world family, and it does not come through singing peace songs.

Coordinated simultaneous demonstrations will become more commonplace. particularly with planetary issues such as climate change. If you reach 2030 without significant changes in approach then the consequences will be much greater than a few smashed storefronts. If the police forces continue to become more repressive and armed, then the protests around climate collapse will also erupt into violence.

Police brutality is not the issue; loss of effective leadership is the issue. It is why the police are out of control in some instances. They lack effective leadership with the vision to remake those charged with protection and service into a force for the good of all.

So all of this confusion and anger allows for the violent right wing anti-protestors to enter the scene. Then it will get particularly confusing for the police to sort this out. Unfortunately it takes the violence and the reactions to the violence to get the attention of the citizens that the system is not working. Now with government aid drying up and opportunities for Covid 19 to rise up again the pressure will be great. More than ever people will be looking for long term solutions for their short term suffering.

Is this what will cause economic collapse?

In the United States, your economic system is very resilient; it is more resilient than the system that is supposed to control it and keep it from excesses. Currently the vast majority of the population wants it to succeed as they have literally banked their lives and their economic future on its success. So great efforts will be brought to bear to keep the dying system alive, and in the great efforts great harm can be done to the people. Aid will flow to corporations when it is needed most by the people and that will cause further resentment.

However, it will take this much pressure to find the long-term cure. Just like the advent of Covid 19 has sped up the research and eventual distribution to some type of cure, today‘s unrest will increase the urgency to look for a better model of government and economics. But those now in power will not give up that power without a fight, and what you are experiencing now are the early stages of this fight.

If you look carefully you can see that this as all divinely choreographed, but your vision must be far to see this. Otherwise all you see is chaos and despair. You may be aware of this, you may have a taste of it yourselves. but you are not to allow yourself to wallow in the negativity these events may bring up for you. If you feel you need a life vest during all of this then the life vest is your firm determination to keep up with your spiritual practices, your adherence to [moral principles]. You live your lives primarily on the earthly plane, and so it is tempting to see the conflict from only the earthly point of view, but there is more to what is occurring than what you see in the news and the Internet.

The earth is hurtling towards the precipice of environmental collapse, but the current world and national leadership does not have the will nor the motivation to do anything about this sufficient to turn the coming crisis around. There is no second chance in this crisis. The means and the technology and resources are there to avoid hitting the environmental tipping point, but it will not occur when the mammoth corporations are in charge. They see no urgency, only more opportunities for profit as they would provide expensive technological solutions that would primarily benefit the wealthy. These corporations and the politicians they purchase have lost their humanity, and they will not change course without application of force.

“…If you look carefully you can see that this as all divinely choreographed, but your vision must be far to see this. Otherwise all you see is chaos and despair. You may be aware of this, you may have a taste of it yourselves. but you are not to allow yourself to wallow in the negativity these events may bring up for you.”

So increasing activism both non-violent and violent will be the short-term agenda in the weeks, months, and even years ahead. Out of that expression of angst and frustration will come the serious search for global long-term solutions, and so the door opens for the acceptance of neohumanism and PROUT [Progressive Utilization Theory] as a blueprint for the future. This is the long-term view, but when the change comes it will come very fast, it will be like someone flipped a switch.

But it does not happen out of the blue; the soil must be prepared to accept the seeds of neohumanism and PROUT. What currently exists in the soil that is robbing it of its nutrients must be turned over to exposé the virgin earth to receive and nurture the seeds of a new planetary solution.  And the turning over of the soil is violent to what currently exists as weeds on the surface, but must be done to plant the seeds for a new human society that provides for maximum utilization and sharing of the ample resources of the planet.


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